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#1 All Systems Tea Tree Oil Spray and Ear So Fresh

Effective flea and tick control is stepped up with the use of #1 All Systems Tea Tree Oil Spray. This natural flea and insect repellent is also a first aid kit in a bottle. It is a great analgesic and antiseptic, for all skin problems.

  • Where we live fleas and biting insects are a real problem no matter how much we spray to get rid of them.  For protection, we spray our dogs' feet and undersides with Tea Tree Oil Spray before they go out to play.  I also use this spray on any skin irritations including hot spots.  This is a wonderful product - never want to be without it.  -Cyndy Mapson

#1 All Systems All Natural Grooming With Tea Tree Oil Spray / Ear So Fresh

    All natural herbal ear wash for both dogs and cats for the ultimate in ear hygiene. A most effective soothing blend of full strength herbal extracts to soothe, clean and protect against ear problems.  Keeps ears clean, fresh and reduces ear wax build-up.

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